Unreal Tournament 3 – ULCV Sheraton

ULCV Sheraton is a variation on Quake III’s DM17 created for Unreal Tournament 3. DM17 features a central open play area with three levels and a separated sniper position. I wanted to change the layout over time. Players would have to adapt their tactics based on the changes. The best way to accomplish this was to have a slowly sinking level, and a thunderstorm filling the hold of a cargo ship fit the bill well.

Production time: four weeks


Level Trailer






Design Goals


  • Changing the level over time to add or remove areas
  • Adding ways for players to escape areas as they sink
  • Creating the illusion of movement and a thunderstorm using Kismet and Matinee
  • Creating custom materials and particle systems to show water splashing and flowing over surfaces


Scripting Sample